Non permanent residence – GO! 2025 Nova Gorica – Gorizia

The project is aimed at us, European citizens who have not yet experienced war. We will create a sensorial theatre installation dedicated to border crossings. We will recreate the experience of a person travelling without a “real” passport, without a homeland, friends and relatives, the experience of many people migrating to European cities. Visitors will be able to engage with multi-sensory perception and intercultural content, they will have a wide variety of sensory and emotional experiences.

These stories coming from distant places were once just chapters in the book of our ancestors. But now it is we who are at the centre of these events. The refugee problem and the need to help those in need are right here in front of us every day, and we can no longer remain indifferent. Let us face it, this world is our home, and these stories are part of our reality.

But what about the future? Who knows, tomorrow we may find ourselves as those who seek refuge and help.

Slovenia/ Italy: Gorica – Gorizia tunnel

In 2017, the Bombi Tunnel served as a temporary shelter for many migrants, mostly from Afghanistan and Pakistan. The migrants who slept in the tunnel came from Germany, Austria and France after their asylum applications were rejected, and some of them were also issued with deportation orders. (Source: ) At the end of the same year, they were transferred to asylum centres and other emergency shelters. (Source: Dnevnik).

Spain – Gran Canaria, part of the Canary Islands, is facing a major migrant crisis, with more than 15 000 migrants having arrived since the beginning of 2024. Local resources are under pressure as they have had to set up a number of migrant facilities, including rented housing and camps. The high number of unaccompanied minors in need of special care is also a challenge. Despite spending around £100 million to tackle the crisis, conditions in shelters remain poor, causing tensions. Local authorities have called for more solidarity from other Spanish regions and the EU, but cooperation has been limited.

Italy, Lampedusa – The migrant situation in Lampedusa has become extremely challenging, with more than 8,500 migrants arriving in a few days in September 2023, overwhelming the local infrastructure. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen visited the island and stressed the need for a common European response. The EU announced a 10-point action plan, including an increase in the presence of Frontex and the EUAA to better manage arrivals. Arrangements with countries such as Tunisia are meant to help prevent migrants leaving, but have been criticized for possible human rights violations. Despite efforts, the situation remains challenging as migrants continue to arrive due to political and economic problems in their home countries.

Migrant women working as domestic workers in Spain often face exploitation and modern slavery. Their lack of formal education and skills makes them particularly vulnerable to forced labour, abuse and trafficking. Many women work in the informal sector, where they are without rights and protection, leading to poor working conditions and exploitation. Legal requirements, such as obtaining a temporary work contract, further complicate their integration and increase their vulnerability. Organizations such as the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery are working for systemic changes to reduce the exploitation of women workers and provide better regulation and protection mechanisms.

Slovenia has introduced temporary facilities at the border with Croatia to deal with migrants, as local police stations are unable to cope with the increased number of arrivals. The authorities have stepped up cooperation with other countries, such as Croatia and Italy, to curb migrant flows through the region. The country also faces challenges in tackling criminal networks involved in migrant smuggling, where international cooperation is crucial. In addition, tensions and sporadic protests occur, but remain mostly low-key and peaceful.