The project is aimed at us, European citizens who have not yet experienced war. We will create a sensorial theatre installation dedicated to border crossings. We will recreate the experience of a person travelling without a “real” passport, without a homeland, friends and relatives, the experience of many people migrating to European cities. Visitors will be able to engage with multi-sensory perception and intercultural content, they will have a wide variety of sensory and emotional experiences.
These stories coming from distant places were once just chapters in the book of our ancestors. But now it is we who are at the centre of these events. The refugee problem and the need to help those in need are right here in front of us every day, and we can no longer remain indifferent. Let us face it, this world is our home, and these stories are part of our reality.
But what about the future? Who knows, tomorrow we may find ourselves as those who seek refuge and help.